Saturday, August 29, 2009

What a weekend

I had a splendid weekend. Ah En's mummy invited me over for BBQ last night which lasted till almost 12am. Although tedious it was fun - I am kind of enjoying the chores of BBQ-ing the food and experimenting with various ingredient one being BBQ-ing with another which turned out quite fun and tasty. Most important, this is a good event for bonding esp seeing everyone making an effort to make this event successful and fun. $50 is well-spent indeed.

Today I didnt even really go out. Stayed indoors most of today sleeping in. I like weekend like these where I can just laze around and not having to turn on my phone and sleep in as and when I fancy. Everyone happens to share the same interest. Tho, I dont get to go that many weekends because most other weekends there are chores to be done somehow - one being laundry.

For the moment, I only have to think of what to have for dinner. Should I heat up the leftover wings or just have bread? I am feeling kind of lazy and tired tonight. Maybe I should just go for bread - its healthier anyways.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Catching up

There is so much to update. I have been slacking on my entries these days because other things takes priority in my life.

Since my last update alot had happened some good some bad to me and here I am once again sharing my thoughts and bits and pieces of my life.

Work - had been stressful and am considering moving but nothing is in place the moment so am just hanging in there for now.

Relationship -For the moment, I can just pray and hope for the best.

Health- Whatever it takes, ,my health is more important. Work can always come by but not my health. I've been worried sick about my coming yearly "major" check up next month.

We will see. for now,I need to shut my eyes and rest.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

"Attacked" by this massive migraine

For some reason or another, I was out for food this morning and a bit of grocery shopping when I was "attacked" by this massive migraine like headache so I had to come back to rest. The moment I came home, my remedy was to jump into a soothing hot shower (which usually works) but soon after I started this crazy about of vomitting so much that I could eat or drink because everything that goes in will come out within an hour or so.

I didnt want to get out of the house as it was really hot outside so instead I fell into deep sleep until a call from Nigel woke me up.

Am still not feeling too good, despite the sleep and yet another hot shower, but I think I can take food already because I had just downed a glass of milk and so far its so good *cross fingers*. I think I should get back to sleep as I can still feel the grogginess.