Monday, January 14, 2008

"Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"

I think it'll be good to read "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"to know what the opposite sex really want in a relationship... bcos i read and learnt a lot from it. haha

Ok basically the book begins with that long long ago, men lived in mars, and women lived in Venus. These are 2 very different places and these habitats have very different cultures.

On Mars, Martians do not offer each other help unless asked. when being asked, a martian will offer solutions to the qns. If a martian didn't ask for help, the others assume that he's ok and trust that he's coping well by himself. Martians love to solve their own problems without interference from another.

On Venus, Venusians love to help one another. They willingly offer help to one another without being asked. Venusians don't really ask for help. When they are down, the others will auto come and cheer her up. Venusians give without being asked. They can sense unhappiness, and they'll try to help and console.

Martians and Venusians met, fell in love and lived happily together. One day, they migrate to earth and suddenly all got amnesia... and forgotten that they originate from different planets with different cultures. They start to expect each other to think like themselves and but they are ultimately very different! So there's a lot of frustrations.

When woman upset, man dun auto cheer her up cos she didn't ask him. If she talked about it, she just want to feel better after he listened, but he'll offer solutions instead of consolations. Bcos man instinctively thought that u r asking for solutions when u talked to him. Woman is unhappy cos man dun console her. Man is frustrated cos he tried to help her but she's still unhappy.

When man upset, woman tried to help without being asked. she kept asking him what's wrong? why he unhappy? and he felt very annoyed by her cos he just want to be left alone. Then when he didn't ask and she tried to offer help for his problem, he felt that she doesn't trust him to solve the problem himself. He is not happy. Woman think man is damn ego. Man think woman is naggy and annoying.

So ultimately men and women should realise that they are very different and think differently, respect the differences and seek to understand each other better. When woman knows that man is like that one, woman won't get so upset cos she understand that he is different. When man knows that woman is like that, man know she's just caring to him when she tried to help, and won't feel so frustrated and annoyed by her.

There are lots more things discussed in this book, so i think the book sort of help us understand the opp gender better, and it only works if both read. I personally feel that it's helpful but only if both parties read the book. Bcos it takes 2 hands to clap and both hv to strive towards understanding each other better and work towards a blissful love life together..

k la, so much for a sneak preview.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Human Character

Character is the expression of the personality of a human being, and that it reveals itself in his conduct. In this sense every man has a character

I’ve always been wondering whether human character is born, or its a matter of brought up, or friends surrounding us…

If the quote above is right, such that character is the expression of the personality of a human being, then I guess what I’ve always choose to believe is wrong… We can never mould someone to be the person we want them to be…

I believe a person’s character is both. The result of who God made you to be and your upbringing/environment, especially in your formative years of youth. I once heard from someone that character is 30% nature and 70% nurture. It cannot be entirely nature because then we can just throw moral education completely out of the window. A child picks up much of what he/she knows from people of influence who spend the most time with him/her. We can’t change a person, because they’re not ours to change in the first place. But it does not mean that they can’t change. It just takes effort on their part and they must make the choice to change.We can never change a person that we want them to be, we had to accept who they are and direct them to the correct path is enough already isnt it ???