Friday, August 31, 2007

Relationships that Work

What works in a relationship can vary greatly from one couple to the next. After all, each individual has unique needs so there couldn't possibly be one secret formula for creating a perfect relationship for everyone. You can decide whether the ideal relationship in your head is the one you want to keep for all time, or whether you'd like to bend it a bit to match more of what has been shown to work for others. Granted, what works for others might not work for you, so in the end, you may to need to simply listen to your gut and follow your heart.

Ways to make your relationship more successful:

-Make sure you want to be in a relationship and that the person you are with is right for you.
-Give your partner the benefit of the doubt and assume that they are trying their best to make you happy and are acting with your best interests in mind.
-Be a little flexible in terms of how much closeness and togetherness you need.
-Learn how to communicate in ways that will promote your relationship and build closeness and understanding between you. For example, show respect, not criticism.
-Learn how to love yourself and how to be in touch with your own emotions, don't deny or suppress what you may be feeling or thinking.
-Find ways to keep the passion in your relationship alive.
-Learn to tolerate adversity and stress.
-Experience life together as an adventure.

How to de-stress yourself?

Here are some techniques:

Progressive Relaxation

Deep Breathing

By concentrating on our breathing, deep breathing allows the rest of our body to relax itself. Deep breathing is a great way to relax the body and get everything into synchrony.
Relaxation breathing is an important part of yoga and martial arts for this reason.

Lie on your back.
Slowly relax your body.
Begin to inhale slowly through your nose if possible.
Fill the lower part of your chest first, then the middle and top part of your chest and lungs.
Be sure to do this slowly, over 8–10 seconds.
Hold your breath for a second or two.
Then quietly and easily relax and let the air out.
Wait a few seconds and repeat this cycle.
If you find yourself getting dizzy, then you are overdoing it. Slow down.
You can also imagine yourself in a peaceful situation such as on a warm, gentle ocean.
Imagine that you rise on the gentle swells of the water as you inhale and sink down into the waves as you exhale. You can continue this breathing technique for as long as you like until you fall asleep.

Quiet Ears Lie on your back with your eyes closed.
Place your hands behind your head.
Make sure they are relaxed.
Place your thumbs in your ears so that you close the ear canal.
You will hear a high-pitched rushing sound. This is normal.
Listen to this sound for 10–15 minutes. Then put your arms at your sides, actively relax them and go to sleep.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Life is not easy....

Life is not easy....

Dear Friends out there, how are you recently? Hope u guys/gals been doing fine. Well, it is quite some time since i have contacted all my friends..all i can say here is life is not as easy as it seems. We have to work, work and work for living. Other than work, we have been burden by lots of things like love problems, family problems, colleagues problems, traffic problems, financial problems...lots how can we have a balance of all those problems?

New Blog!!!

New Blog!!!

To all my dearest friends...welcome to my new blog..i am creating this blog to keep my long lost frens and new frens update about my current happenings and keep an eye on my future features blog ya!
Love always!