A colleague sent me this, which I thought was quite meaningful and I cant help but ponder how many of this does my partner qualify.
1.Someone who knows what you need before you say it.
2.Someone who knows when to laugh and when to cry.
3.Someone who truly listens when you have something to say.
4.Someone that’s there for you during the good and bad times.
5.Someone who is caring.
6.Someone who is interested in reality and not as a fashion display.
7.Someone who is honest.
8.Someone you can trust them as a sibling, confide in like a friend but most of all, love as the great lover they are.
9.Someone who is open and responsive.
10.Someone who is never critical and ill-tempered in respect to your needs.
11.Someone who knows when things have to be compromised in the relationship.
12.Someone who understands listening is the key, but using what is heard is even more important.
13.Someone who’s there for you no matter what.
14.Someone who is trustful. Someone who is a friend.
15.Someone who gives a shoulder to cry on.
16.Someone with a great sense of humor.
17.Someone who has things in common with you.
18.Someone who takes time to listen and enjoy you for who you are and tries not to make you something else.
19.Someone with a constant open ear, open heart, and open mind to accept and love people for who they really are.
20.Someone who always be there to support your ideas without argument and love you for everything that you are.
21.Someone that can get a point across without yelling.
22.Someone that remembers all the cute stupid stuff you love.
23.Someone that has a personality with qualities you don’t have yourself, but admire greatly in them.
24.Someone who realizes you’re two separate people, and appreciate the differences.
25.Someone who can sense a mood problem, and not take it personally.
26.Someone who understands the difference between PMS, and a real problem.
27.Someone who can make you happy when you’re sad.
28.Someone who tells you the truth even if you don’t want to hear it.
29.Someone who will not hurt you intentionally.
30.Someone who is a sweet, romantic person who cherish you no matter what.
31.Someone that you can laugh with.
32.Someone who you can feel comfortable with and that you don’t care what kind of weird stuff they see you do because you know they will still love you no matter what.
33.Someone who will love you in spite of your little idiosyncrasies.
34.Someone that would do anything to show you how much they care.
35.Someone who is a great pal, a great kisser, and a great lover!
36.Someone who allows you to be yourself around them.
37.Someone who will respect you. Someone who cherishes your hopes and is kind to your dreams.
38.Someone who knows you’re not perfect, but treats you as though you are.
39.Someone who listens with their heart and is your source of inspiration.
40.Someone who loves you with all their heart and soul.
I believed the guy I chose should meet most of the quality that makes him my best partner:p