Sunday, March 22, 2009

Migraine Headache-It's kiiling me

I'm having terrible headache on both Fri and Sat...I hate it as migraine is much more than a bad headache and throbbing headache usually felt on one side of my head. The pain may also shift from side to side.This time round accompanied by severe vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to smell, light and sound. It's really spolit my moods. I believe my migrance is trigger by stress as im having a hard week at work and bright lights/sun glare. Some of my friends who knows me well understand why i always mention "见光着死" in 2 diff terms 。 光 can damage my face so i will try to avoid it and 光 can trigger my migraine too. Secondhand smoke may provoke my migraines further headache pain. This is one of the worst relapse i ever had... It had been 4 years back since the last relapse. It's killing me:(

Nothing else matters, every other concern in the world takes a back seat to getting rid of the pain. I have to turn out the lights, pull shades and close the curtains. Then lay down comfortably on the bed with two pillows by my side. Simply relaxing in a dark, quiet room is often enough to quickly alleviate my migraine headaches. YES! I need total darkness.. Stay away for those smells and noise that irritates me further...... FINALLY, fall asleep till the next morning........... This is a way for me to relieve from migraine headache pain.

Large chicken breast or fillet white fish or lean red meat are recommended for people who suffer from migraine headaches. So the next Sat morning, he brought me fish porridge and deliver it to my door step in the shortest time he could. Heartfelt and sincere, thanks for everything you have ever done.

I feel much better after two days resting at home... Phew! It's finally over.........

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