Monday, March 17, 2008

Can we go for guys that lie? NO! NO! NO!

Everyday, there is some discussion among my group of gals posing the question.

Today, our discussion topic is "Can we go for guys that lie? "

Seems many gals have concluded the answer is a clear, unqualified "no."

Snoopy says: If a guy lies to you, drop him like a dead fish! hahaha...

Baby says: If a guy is lying to you, you have a few problems. (Maybe u cant perform or act in some ways as you are not pro/expert in this field...)

Winner says: He doesn't respect you at all. (only respect you when on xxx) Very X oh!

Lex says: You know you can't trust him.

Rain says: He has no integrity. (Nearly wanted to say he got NO cxxx) Wah piah!

Bell: He is doing something about which he doesn't want you to know.

Everyone says: This is not the kind of guy we want to be with! (Yeap! The right spirit!)

Winner says: I believe there are plenty of guys out there who are honest and decent. They wouldn't think of lying to anyone let alone someone they love and want to be with.

Lex says: I do not understand the reasons for guys who lie to their potential partner but more unbelievable is the gals who ignore this very serious character flaw and continue bearing with it until something bad is going on.

Snoopy says: Please wake up gals and do not go for this guy!

I'm so sorry! Sometime gals chat can be rough & fierce too....hahahahaaaaaaaaaa........ But we enjoyed it!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

History in my life!

I have ever had my heart broken, it is an incredibly painful and saddening experience. It often feels like one's heart is broken and will never heal. It may seem at times that I will never recover from the experience and be happy again. Although the scars may still remain, there are many things I do to help recover from a broken heart.

I have been thru stages of grieving including, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance. Thank to all my friends around me. They help me during the most difficult time. I know my life will get better, the pain will end, and I will find happiness again.

My god sister fav's quote:

Give yourself time; be patient with the process; take care of yourself.
You will survive and life will get better.When the sun sets, it always rises again!

There are eight things I done that help me to recover during difficult time.

1. Stop all communication, interaction, discussion, emails, phone calls, and texts. Get rid of all gifts, mementos and pictures. Delete his address, photos, and various online accounts from my life. This may seem difficult but it is one of the best ways to move on. If I keep the wound open, it will hurt. The sooner I allow the scab to form, which I do by leaving it alone, the better.

2. Take care of myself. This is a time where I need to do everything to stay healthy. While breaking up can lead to depression that often make me feel tired, lethargic, and depleted, sometimes even eating enormous amounts of junk food, sleeping too long, staying up too late, this is a time to make sure I can to nourish myself. Eat nutritiously, sleep sufficiently. I did not use drugs or alcohol to repress the pain. It will only make it worse in the long run.

3. Allow myself to cry. I tend to think crying is inappropriate or uncomfortable, and I certainly try to avoid it but crying is a release. It releases chemicals and emotions from my bodies so let myself cry. Again, ignoring, repressing, denying the pain is not helpful and can make it worse in the long run. I want to release the pain not cover it up or hold it in.

4.Get the feelings out.I find a need to express my sorrow and hurt. I will find talking with friends, journaling, or even blogging about the pain helps. There is on one way, so find whatever helps me get the emotions out and let them go.

5.Keep busy. While when in pain, I often want to stop everything and hide from the world, it often helps to remained engaged in life. I used to shut myself off from the world tends to make things worse. Then I realise do the things I typically enjoy, shopping, spa, surfing net, reading blog, take some enrichment classes, or go on a trip, NOT TO RUN AWAY but to stay engaged.

6.Surround myself with love. This can be friends, family, loved ones, or whomever you find that nourishes, supports, and comforts me. I often take a break up personally, and start second guessing myself, feeling unworthy, and insecure. Being close to good friends who will assure me that I'm still so wonderful and most impt still in good hand! I always reach out to those who can help and allow others(you know who!) to be there for me.

7.Always give myself time. When im physically hurt, my body require time to heal. So too with emotional pain. It takes time to release them and to rebalance my body. I always give myself time, knowing my body and mind are brilliant and will take care of me as process the pain.

8.There is life after this relationship. While in the midst of the pain of a break up, it often feels like life is over and there will never be a good day ahead but the truth is, I will get over this and will find my happiness again. Hold onto the hope even if it does not feel like the pain will ever end. Remind myself that I have been through difficult times before and I will get through this as well.

FINALLY! Make Better Choices, And Find a Really Terrific Man! Woo Hoo!!!